Growing, exfoliating, fabricating, and looking at atomic scale
Welcome to LEMON at Seoul National University! Our group is focused on understanding the behavior of thin 3D materials at the atomic scale. We aim to combine freestanding membranes of various material systems and observe under electron microscopy, to study their reaction under strain, bias, heat etc. in atomic scale.
한국연구재단 소재글로벌영커넥트 사업 주관기관 선정
한국연구재단 소재글로벌영커넥트 사업 주관기관 선정
Recent work published in Sci. Adv. is highlighted in Nature Electronics
Recent work published in Sci. Adv. is highlighted in Nature Electronics
학부 인턴 모집합니다
학부 인턴 모집합니다
Principal Investigator - Celesta Soyeon Chang
Experience & Education
Assistant Professor 2023.08 ~ current
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Postdoctoral Associate 2021.01 ~ 2023. 07
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA
Postdoctoral Associate 2020.08 ~ 2021.01
Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Ph.D. in Physics (NSF Fellow) 2014.08 ~ 2020.08
Cornell University, Ithaca NY
B.S. in Physics 2010.03 ~ 2014.06
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Research Interest
-Fabricating freestanding oxide membranes for fundamental studies on its physical properties, as well as use for nanoscale, flexible semiconductor devices
-Studying the atomic structure of 3D oxides using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and 4D electron microscope pixelated array detector (EMPAD)
-Study of free-standing oxide thin films under applied electric force, strain, heat, or low temperatures using in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
-Combining various materials system to create a new heterostructure
We thank the support from the following institutions/foundations:
Recent Publications
H. Kim†, Y. Liu†, K. Lu†, C. S. Chang†, D. Sung, M. Akl, K. Qiao, K. S. Kim, B.-I. Park, M. Zhu, J. M. Suh, J. Kim, J. Jeong, Y. Baek, Y. J. Ji, S. Kang, S. Lee, N. M. Han, C. Kim, C. Choi, X. Zhang, H.-K. Choi, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, L. Kong, N. N. Affefah, M. N. M. Ansari, J. Park, K. Lee, G. Y. Yeom, S. Kim, J. Hwang, J. Kong, S.-H. Bae, Y. Shi, S. Hong, W. Kong, J. Kim, “Ultrahigh-throughput manufacturing of freestanding epitaxial membranes from a single wafer by 2D materials-based layer transfer”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature Nanotechnology, (2023).
J. Shin†, H. Kim†, S. Sundram†, J. Jeong†, C. Chang, K. Lu, S. Kim, J. M. Suh, K. S. Kim, L. Liu, K. Qiao, B.-I. Park, Y. Kim, D. Lee, J. Lee, J. Kim, H. E. Lee, H. Yeon, H. S. Kum, S.-H. Bae, K. Lee, K. Chung, Y. J. Hong, A. Ougazzaden, and J. Kim, “Vertically stacked full color micro-LEDs via two-dimensional material-based layer transfer”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature, (2023).
K. Kim†, D. Lee†, C. S. Chang†, S. Lee, J. Jiang, J. Jeong, M. Park, Y. Meng, J. Ji, Y. Kwon, X. Sun, W. Kong, H. S. Kum, S.-H. Bae, K. Lee, Y. J. Hong, J. Shi, and J. Kim, “Non-epitaxial single-crystalline 2D material growth by geometrical confinement”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature, (2023).
C. S. Chang*, J. Sun, S. Khim, A. P. Mackenzie, D. G. Schlom, and D. A. Muller, “Visualization of defects in single-crystal and thin-film PdCoO2 using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy”, (Corresponding Author*) Physical Review Materials 6 (9), 093401 (2022).