Journal Publications (Google Scholar)


42. J. Ko, O. Bierwagen, W. Suh, J. Choi, C. S. Chang, and K. Char*, “Formation of 2-dimensional electron gas at a non-polar perovskite oxide interface: SrHfO3/BaSnO3”, Manuscript in preparation

41. X. Zhang, O. Ericksen, M. Akl, S. Lee, M.-K. Song, J. Suh, J-E. Ryu, S. Lindemann, X. Zheng, B. Bhatia, H. Kim, C. S. Chang* , Y. Shi*, C. -B. Eom*, and J. Kim*, “High throughput buffer-free manufacturing of ultrathin epitaxial membranes towards cooling-free infrared detection”, Just Accepted in Nature


40. S. Lee†, J. Kim†, B.-I. Park†, H. I. Kim, C. Lim, E. Lee, J. Y. Yang, J. Choi, Y. J. Hong, C. S. Chang, H. S. Kum, J. Kim, K. Lee*, H. Kim*, G.-C. Yi*, “GaN remote epitaxy using a pristine graphene buffer layer on SiC via controlled graphitization”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 252102 (2024)

39. S. Lee†, X. Zhang†, P. Abdollahi, M. Barone, C. Dong, Y. J. Yoo, M.-K. Song, D. Lee, J.-E. Ryu, J.-H. Choi, J.-H. Lee, J. A. Robinson, D. G. Schlom, H. S. Kum, C. S. Chang*, A. Seo*, and J. Kim*, “Route to Enhancing Remote Epitaxy of Perovskite Complex Oxide Thin Films”, ACS nano,18, 45, 31225–31233 (2024)

38. J. Kim, J. Seo, H. Lee, C. S. Chang, K. Char*, “Epitaxially stacked 12-layer perovskite oxide heterostructure as a double-level double-gate field-effect transistor”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2402059 (2024)


37. S. Lee, M. S. Abbas, D. Yoo, K. Lee, T. G. Fabunmi, E. Lee, H. I. Kim, I. Kim, D. Jang, S. Lee, J. Lee, K.-T. Park, C. Lee, M. Kim, Y. S. Lee, C. S. Chang, G.-C. Yi*, “Pulsed-mode metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy of GaN on graphene-coated c-sapphire for freestanding GaN thin films”, Nano Letters 23 (24) 11578–11585 (2023)

36. C. S. Chang†, K. S. Kim†, B. -I. Park†, J. Choi†, H. Kim, J. Jeong, M. Barone, N. Parker, S. Lee, X. Zhang, K. Lu, J. M. Suh, J. Kim, D. Lee, N. M. Han, M. Moon, Y. S. Lee, D. -H. Kim, D. G. Schlom*, Y. J. Hong*, J. Kim*, “Remote epitaxial interaction through graphene”, (†Equal Contribution) Sci. Adv. 9, eadj5379 (2023) Article highlighted in Nat. Electronics.

35. L. van Deurzen, J. Singhal, J. Encomendero, N. Pieczulewski, C. S. Chang, Y. Cho, D.A. Muller, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, O. Brandt, J. Lahnemann, “Excitonic and deep-level emission in N- and Al-polar homoepitaxial AlN grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, APL Materials 11, 081109 (2023)

34. K. X. Nguyen, Y. Jiang, M. C. Cao, P. Purohit, A. K. Yadav, P. García-Fernández, M. W. Tate, C. S. Chang, P. Aguado-Puente, J. Íñiguez, F. Gomez-Ortiz, S. M. Gruner, J. Junquera, L. W. Martin, R. Ramesh, and D. A. Muller, “Transferring orbital angular momentum to an electron beam reveals toroidal and chiral order”, Physical Review B 107 (20), 205419 (2023)

33. S. Shrestha, C. S. Chang, S. Lee, N. Kothalawala, D. Kim, M. Minola, J. Kim, and A. Seo, “Raman Spectroscopic Characterizations of Graphene on Oxide Substrates for Remote Epitaxy”, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 105301 (2023)

32. H. Kim†, Y. Liu†, K. Lu†, C. S. Chang†, D. Sung, M. Akl, K. Qiao, K. S. Kim, B.-I. Park, M. Zhu, J. M. Suh, J. Kim, J. Jeong, Y. Baek, Y. J. Ji, S. Kang, S. Lee, N. M. Han, C. Kim, C. Choi, X. Zhang, H.-K. Choi, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, L. Kong, N. N. Affefah, M. N. M. Ansari, J. Park, K. Lee, G. Y. Yeom, S. Kim, J. Hwang, J. Kong, S.-H. Bae, Y. Shi, S. Hong, W. Kong, J. Kim, “High-throughput manufacturing of epitaxial membranes from a single wafer by 2D materials-based layer transfer process”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature Nanotechnology 18 464-470 (2023)

31. J. Shin†, H. Kim†, S. Sundram†, J. Jeong†, B.-I.Park, C. S. Chang, J. Choi, T. Kim, M. Saravanapavanantham, K. Lu, S. Kim, J. M. Suh, K. S. Kim, M.-K. Song, Y. Liu, K. Qiao, J. H. Kim, Y. Kim, J.-H. Kang, J. Kim, D. Lee, J. Lee, J. S. Kim, H. E. Lee, H. Yeon, H. S. Kum, S.-H. Bae, V. Bulovic, K. J. Yu, K. Lee, K. Chung, Y. J. Hong, A. Ougazzaden, and J. Kim, “Vertically stacked full color micro-LEDs via two-dimensional material-based layer transfer”, Nature 614 81-87 (2023)

30. K. Kim†, D. Lee†, C. S. Chang†, S. Seo, Y. Hu, S. Cha, H. Kim, J. Shin, J.-H. Lee, S. Lee, J. S. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. M. Suh, Y. Meng, B. -I. Park, J. -H. Lee, H. -S. Park, H. S. Kum, M.-H. Jo, G. Y. Yeom, K. Cho, J. -H. Park, S.-H. Bae, and J. Kim, “Non-epitaxial single-crystalline 2D material growth by geometrical confinement”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature 614 88-94 (2023)


29. H. Kim†, S. Lee†, J. Shin†, M. Zhu, M. Akl, K. Lu, N. M. Han, Y. Baek, C. S. Chang, J. M. Suh, K. S. Kim, B. -I. Park, Y. Zhang, C. Choi, H. Shin, H. Yu, Y. Meng, S. -I. Kim, S. Seo, K. Lee, H. S. Kum, J. -H. Lee, J. -H. Ahn, S. -H. Bae, J. Hwang, Y. Shi, and J. Kim, “Graphene nanopattern as a universal epitaxy platform for single-crystal membrane production and defect reduction“, Published Online, Nature Nanotechnology 17, 1054-1059 (2022)

28. C. S. Chang*, J. Sun, S. Khim, A. P. Mackenzie, D. G. Schlom, and D. A. Muller, “Visualization of defects in single-crystal and thin-film PdCoO2 using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy”, (Corresponding Author*) Physical Review Materials 6 (9), 093401 (2022)

27. K. R. Gann, C. S. Chang, M.-C. Chang, D. Sutherland, A. B. Connolly, D. A. Muller, R. B. v Dover, and M. O. Thompson, “Initial nucleation of metastable gamma-Ga2O3 during sub-millisecond thermal anneals of amorphous Ga2O3”,Applied Physics Letters 121 (6), 162102 (2022)

26.  C. Choi†, H. Kim†, J. -H. Kang†, M. -K. Song†, H. Yeon, C. S. Chang, J. M. Suh, J. Shin, K.Lu, B. -I. Park, Y. Kim, H. E. Lee, D. Lee, J. Lee, I. Jang, S. Pang, K. Ryu, S.-H. Bae, Y. Nie, H. S. Kum, M. -C. Park, S. Lee, H. -J. Kim, H. Wu, Peng Lin, and J. Kim, “Reconfigurable heterogeneous integration using stackable chips with embedded artificial intelligence”, Nature Electronics 5, 386-393 (2022)

25.     H. Kim†, C. S. Chang†, S Lee†, J. Jiang, J. Jeong, M. Park, Y. Meng, J. Ji, Y. Kwon, X. Sun, W. Kong, H. S. Kum, S.-H. Bae, K. Lee, Y. J. Hong, J. Shi, and J. Kim, “Remote Epitaxy”, (†Equal Contribution) Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2, 40 (2022)(Download File)

24.     J. G. Wright, C. S. Chang, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Structural and electronic properties of NbN/GaN junctions grown by molecular beam epitaxy” APL Materials 10 (5), 051103 (2022)

23.     K. X. Nguyen†, X. S. Zhang†, E. Turgut, M. C. Cao, J. Glaser, Z. Chen, M. J. Stolt, C. S. Chang, Y. -T. Shao, S. Jin, G. D. Fughs, and D. A. Muller, “Disentangling magnetic and grain contrast in polycrystalline FeGe thin films using four-dimensional Lorentz scanning transmission electron microscopy”, Physical Review Applied 17, 034066 (2022)


22.     T. Yu†, J. Wright†, G. Khalsa, B. Pamuk, C. S. Chang, Y. Matveyev, X. Wang, T. Schmitt, D. Feng, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, D. Jena, and V. N. Strocov, “Momentum-resolved electronic structure and band offsets in an epitaxial NbN/GaN Superconductor/Semiconductor Heterojunction”, (†Equal contribution) Science Advances 7 (52), eabi5833 (2021)

21.     H. M. Jeon, K. D. Leedy, D. C. Look, C. S. Chang, D. A. Muller, S. C. Badescu, V. Vasilyev, J. L. Brown, A. J. Green, and K. D. Chabak, “Homoepitaxial beta-Ga2O3 transparent conducting oxide with conductivity sigma =2323 S cm-1”, APL Materials 9 (10), 101105 (2021) Editor’s Pick

20.    J. Casamento, H. Lee, C. S. Chang, M. F. Besser, T. Maeda, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Strong effect of scandium source purity on chemical and electronic properties of epitaxial ScxAl1-xN/GaN heterostructures”, APL Materials 9 (9), 091106 (2021)

19.     J. P. McCandless, C. S. Chang, K. Nomoto, J. Casamento, V. Protasenko, P. Vogt, D. Rowe, K. Gann, S.-T. Ho, W. Li, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, A. J. Green, K. D. Chabak, D. G. Schlom, M. O. Thompson, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Thermal stability of epitaxial Îą-Ga2O3 and (Al,Ga)2O3 layers on m-plane sapphire”, Applied Physics Letters 119 (6), 062102 (2021)

18.    C. S. Chang†, N. Tanen†, V. Protasenko, T. J. Asel, S. Mou, H. G. Xing, D. Jena, and D. A. Muller, “γ-phase Inclusions as Common Structural Defects in Alloyed β-(AlxGa1–x)2O3 and Doped β-Ga2O3 Films”, (*Equal contribution) APL Materials 9 (5), 051119 (2021) Editor’s Pick

17.    P. Vogt, F. V. E. Hensling, K. Azizie, C. S. Chang, D. Turner, J. Park, J. P. McCandless, H. Paik, B. J. Bocklund, G. Hofman, O. Bierwagen, D. Jena, H. G. Xing, S. Mou, D. A. Muller, S. -L. Shang, Z. -K. Liu, and D. G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of Ga2O3 by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy”, APL Materials 9 (3), 031101 (2021) Featured Article

16.    J. Wright, C. Chang, D. Waters, F. Lupke, R. Feenstra, L. Raymond, R. Koscica, G. Khalsa, R. Feenstra, D. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Unexplored MBE growth mode reveals new properties of superconducting NbN”, Physical Review Materials 5 (2), 024802 (2021)

15.    P. Dang, G. Khalsa, C. S. Chang, D. S. Katzer, N. Nepal, B. P. Downey, V. D. Wheeler, A. Suslov, A. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, C. Lee, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, D. J. Meyer, and D. Jena, “An all-epitaxial nitride heterostructure with concurrent quantum hall effect and superconductivity”, Science Advances 7 (8), eabf1388 (2021)

14.    R. Jinno†, C. S. Chang†, T. Onuma, Y. Cho, S. -T. Ho, D. Rowe, M. C. Cao, K. Lee, V. Protasenko, D. G. Schlom, D. A. Muller, H. G Xing, and D. Jena, “Crystal orientation dictated epitaxy of ultrawide bandgap 5.4- to 8.6-eV Îą-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 on m-plane sapphire”, (†Equal Contribution) Science Advances 7 (2), eabd5891 (2021)


13.    C. S. Chang, “Capturing the defects of Ga2O3 and Delafossites using scanning transmission electron microscopy” Ph.D. Thesis (2020)

12.   J. Casamento, C. S. Chang, Y. -T. Shao, J. Wright, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Structural and piezoelectric properties of ultra-thin ScxAl1-xN films grown on GaN by molecular beam epitaxy”, Applied Physics Letters 117 (11), 112101 (2020)

11.   Y. Cho, C. S. Chang, K. Lee, M. Gong, K. Nomoto, M. Toita, L. J. Schowalter, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Molecular beam homoepitaxy on bulk AlN enabled by aluminum-assisted surface cleaning”, Applied Physics Letters 116 (17), 172106 (2020), Editor’s Pick.

10. V. Sunko, P. H. McGuinness, C. S. Chang, E. Zhakina, S. Khim, C. E. Dreyer, M. Konczykowski, H. Borrmann, P. j. Moll, M. Konig, D. A. Muller, and A. P. Mackenzie, “Controlled introduction of defects to delafossite metals by electron irradiation”, Physical Review X 10 (2), 021018 (2020)


9. J. Sun, M. R. Barone, C. S. Chang, M. E. Holtz, H. Paik, J. Schubert, D. A. Muller, and D. G. Schlom, “Growth of PdCoO2 by ozone-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy”, APL Materials 7 (12), 121112 (2019)

8.    Z. Cheng, N. Tanen, C. Chang, J. Shi, J. McCandless, D. Muller, D. Jena, H. G. Xing, and S. Graham, “Significantly reduced thermal conductivity in Beta-(Al0.1Ga0.9)2O3/Ga2O3 superlattices”, Applied Physics Letters 115 (9), 092105 (2019)

7.     G. Li†, S. Khim†, C. S Chang†, C. Fu, N. Nandi, F. Li, Q. Yang, G. R. Blake, S. Parkin, G. Auffermann, Y. Sun, D. A Muller, A. P. Mackenzie, and C. Felser, “In situ modification of a delafossite-type PdCoO2 bulk single crystal for reversible hydrogen sorption and fast hydrogen evolution”, (†Equal Contribution) ACS Energy Letters 4 (9), 2185-2191 (2019)

6.   Y. Ou†, Z. Wang†, C. S. Chang†, H. P. Nair, H. Paik, N. Reynolds, D. C. Ralph, D. A. Muller, D. G. Schlom, and R. A. Buhrman, “Exceptionally high, strongly temperature dependent, spin hall conductivity of SrRuO3”, (†Equal Contribution) Nano Letters 19 (6), 3663-3670 (2019)


5.     M. E. Holtz, K. Shapovalov, J. A. Mundy, C. S. Chang, Z. Yan, E. Bourret, D. A. Muller, D. Meier, and A. Cano, “Topological defects in hexagonal manganites: Inner structure and emergent electrostatics”, Nano Letters 17 (10), 5883-5890 (2017)

4.     M. W. Tate, P. Purohit, D. Chamberlain, K. X. Nguyen, R. Hovden, C. S. Chang, P. Deb, E. Turgut, J. T. Heron, D. G. Schlom, D. C. Ralph, G. D. Fuchs, K. S. Shanks, H. T. Philipp, D. A. Muller, and S. M. Gruner, “High dynamic range pixel array detector for scanning transmission electron microscopy”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (1), 237-249 (2016), Journal Cover, 397 Citations

3.     C. L. Chang, S. Y. Jeong, and Y. Paik, “27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study of Al1-xCrxK(SO4)2¡ 12H2O (x= 0, 0.07, and 0.2)”, Applied Magnetic Resonance 44 (10), 1245-1252 (2013)

2.     C. L. Chang, S. Y. Jeong, and Y. Paik, “Phase transition temperature and paramagnetic effect in Al1-xCrxK(SO4)2¡12H2O (x = 0, 0.07, and 0.2) crystals studied by 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation time” Journal of Applied Physics 113 (17), 17E105 (2013)

1.     Y. Paik, and C. L. Chang, “Molecular dynamics in paraelectric phase of KH2PO4 crystals studied by single crystal NMR and MAS NMR” Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society 17 (1), 19-23 (2013)

Conference & Presentations

42. C. S. Chang, Invited talk at APWS Conference, October (2024)

41. C. S. Chang, Invited talk at KIST, October (2024)

40. C. S. Chang, Invited talk at AEFM Conference, July (2024)

39. C. S. Chang, Seminar at Samsung DS, June (2024)

38. C. S. Chang, Colloquium at Ajou Univ., May (2024)

37. C. S. Chang, “Research towards freestanding thin films”, Colloquium at KAIST (2024)

36. C. S. Chang, “Freestanding film and its applications”, Invited talk at 19th Korean Dielectrics United Symposium (2024)

35. C. S. Chang, “Study of the Ga2O3 phases using STEM: Gamma-phase Ga2O3 as an initial nucleating phase”, International Microscopy Conference (IMC) (2023)

34.C. S. Chang, “Overview of Delafossites and Ga2O3 using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Talk at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) (2023)

33. C. S. Chang, “Empirical evidence distinguishing the mechanism of remote epitaxy from that of other 2D-based epitaxy”, Invited talk at AEFM Conference (2023)

32. C. S. Chang, “Study of Ga2O3 phases using STEM and visualizing strain relaxation using Cepstral analysis”, Invited Talk at Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM) (2023)

31. C. S. Chang, “Atomic-resolution Studies of Highly-Conductive Delafossites using STEM”, Invited Talk at Korean Physics Society (KPS) (2023)

30. C. S. Chang, “Understanding physical properties of materials and remote epitaxy by transmission electron microscopy”, Colloquium at Department of Physics and astronomy, Seoul National University (2023)

29. C. S. Chang, “Study of how remote epitaxy is truly remote”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (2022)

28. C. S. Chang, “TEM and STEM”, Invited talk as part of lecture at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University (2022)

27. C. S. Chang, “Utilizing scanning transmission electron microscopy for understanding materials properties and for studying the mechanism of remote epitaxy based on 2D van der Waals materials”, Invited talk in SRC seminar at Department of Physics, Yonsei University (2022)

26. X. S. Zhang, K. X. Nguyen, E. Turgut, Z. Chen, C. Chang, Y.-T. Shao, G. Fuchs, D. A. Muller, “Detection limits for imaging chiral magnetic materials with 4-dimensional Lorentz scanning transmission electron microscopy”, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2022)

25. C. S. Chang, Invited talk at Workshop on Advanced Epitaxy for Freestanding Membranes and 2D Materials (2022)

24. C. S. Chang, “Utilizing Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for understanding materials properties and remote epitaxy” Invited talk at 2022 SNU ME Seminar Series on Nano/Bio (2022)

23.     X. Zhang, K. Nguyen, E. Turgut, Z. Chen, C. Chang, Y.-T. Shao, G. Fuchs, D. Muller, “Revealing nanoscale chiral magnetic ordering in polycrystalline FeGe thin films using 4-D Lorentz scanning transmission electron microscopy”, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting (2022)

22.     C. S. Chang, H. Kum, S. Han, H. Choi, D. Vivona, Y. Shao-Horn, Y. S. Lee, J. Kim, “Utilizing 2D Layer Transfer Technique to Fabricate Ultra-Thin Solid-State Battery” Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting and Exhibit (2021)

21.     C. S. Chang, “Understanding Novel Oxides-Delafossite and Ga2O3-with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy” Invited talk at SNU MSE Young Scientist Workshop (2021)

20.     P. Dang, G. Khalsa, C. S. Chang, D. S. Katzer, N. Nepal, B. Downey, V. Wheeler, A. Suslov, A. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, C. Lee, D. A. Muller, H. Xing, D. Meyer and D. Jena, “Late News: An Epitaxial GaN/NbN Heterostructure Exhibiting Concurrent Superconductivity and Quantum Hall Effect” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting and Exhibit (2021)

19.     J. Casamento, C. S. Chang, Y.-T. Shao, J. Wright, D. A. Muller, H. G. Xing and D. Jena, “Structural and Piezoelectric Properties of ScxAl1-xN-GaN Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting and Exhibit (2021)

18.     Z. Zhang, Y. Cho, C. Chang, et. al., “Structural and Magnetotransport Properties of Epitaxial Ferrimagnetic Mn4N Thin Films on GaN by Plasma-assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy” American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting (2021)

17.     B. Pamuk, T. Yu, J. Wright, G Khalsa, C. Chang, “Electronic Structure of the All-Epitaxial NbN/GaN Interface”, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting (2021)

16.     N. Tanen, C. Chang, “Quantum Transport in Epitaxial Ultra-Wide Bandgap Aluminum Gallium Oxide Heterostructures”, APS March Meeting (2020)

15.  C. Chang,, “Direct Imaging on Strain Relaxation of MBE-grown Single Phase alpha-(Al, Ga)2O3 on m-plane Sapphire Substrate in Atomic Resolution Using Scanning Transmission Microscopy”, APS March Meeting (2020)

14.  L. Miao, H. Nair, N. Schreiber, J. Ruf, M. Fu, Y. Lee, C. Chang, “Tailoring the Ferromagnetic Easy Axis of Ca2RuO4 via Epitaxial Strain”, APS March Meeting (2020)

13.  C. S. Chang et. al., “Direct Imaging of Surface Segregation of Tin Dopants and Preferential Dopant Sites in β- (Al0.15Ga0.85)2O3 Films”, 3rd International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials, IWGO-3 (2019)

12.  C. S. Chang et. al., “Atomic-Resolution Studies of Radiation-Induced Defects in High Conductivity Delafossite Oxide Metals”, APS March Meeting (2019)

11.  C. S. Chang et. al., “Direct Imaging of Tilt Relaxation from the Interface in Epitaxially Strained Ca2RuO4 Thin Films using ABF-STEM”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S1), 64-65 (2018)

10.  A. Kumar, C. S. Chang et. al., “Extracting Thickness and Tilt From 4D-STEM Datasets to Model the Influence on ABF Images”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S1), 216-217 (2018)

9.  C. S. Chang et. al., “Direct Imaging of Tilts and Rotations of Ca2RuO4 Octahedra in Thin Films with Epitaxial Strain using ABF-STEM”, APS March Meeting (2018)

8.  J. Nelson, B. Faeth, J. Kawasaki, C. Chang et. al., “In situ ARPES on Sr2IrO4 Thin Films Electron and Hole-doped via Cation Substitution”, APS March Meeting (2017)

7.  M.E. Holtz, K. Shapovalov, J.A. Mundy, C. S. Chang et. al., “Measuring Ferroelectric Order Parameters at Domain Walls and Vortices in Hexagonal Manganites with Atomic Resolution STEM”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1), 1636-1637 (2017)

6.  Z. Chen, K.X. Nguyen, C. S. Chang et. al., “Depth-dependent Contrast in Probability-current Imaging from Channeling in Crystalline Materials” Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1), 478-479 (2017)

5.  K. Nguyen, Y. Jiang, M. Cao, P. Purohit, C. Chang et. al., “Reconstruction of polarization Vortices by Diffraction Mapping of Ferroelectric PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Using a High Dynamic Range Pixelated Detector”, APS March meeting (2017)

4.  C. S. Chang et. al., “Quantitative Imaging of Probability Current Flow in Real and Momentum Space”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 1414 (2016)

3.  M.E. Holtz, J.A. Mundy, C. S. Chang et. al., “Imaging Local Polarization and Domain Boundaries with Picometer-precision Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 898 (2016)

2.  D.A. Muller, K.X. Nguyen, M.W. Tate, P. Purohit, C. Chang et. al., “An Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 478-479 (2016)

1.  D.A. Muller, K.X. Nguyen, R. Hovden, M.W. Tate, P. Purohit, J. Heron, C. Chang et. al., “Lorentz-STEM imaging of Fields and Domains using a High-Speed, High-Dynamic Range Pixel Array Detector at Atomic Resolution”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (S3), 2309-2310 (2015)