We currently have open positions for grad students(2025), undergrad interns, and postdocs.
*** We are actively searching for undergrad interns who are fluent in Matlab and/or python. (We are open to all majors)***
Our group does not require any prior knowledge or experience for undergrads and grad students. However for postdocs, we are looking for a person with prior experience with PLD or TEM. Please send me your CV if interested.
Please note that each semester, we take only a few students after going through a selective process.
Good English skills as well as fluency in coding (python, matlab, C+) will be a plus factor.
I am open to discussions and questions on our ongoing projects. Also, please feel free to contact me if you would like to talk about school life, personal issues, or any hardships you are experiencing.
우리 랩에서 진행중인 연구, 프로젝트에 대해 질문이 있거나, 또는 전반적인 대학원 생활과 관련하여 고민이 있다면 미리 연락 주고 오셔서 편하게 이야기해도 좋습니다. (연구실 56-328, 또는 아래 contact form 작성해주세요)